Saturday, February 5, 2011

Does anybody else think... "now THAT is attractive"...?

Here are my stats from last week (1/24 - 1/30):
Weight: 180.0 lbs ... yep, a 0.8lb gain :(
Chest - 36.75" ... -1"
Bust - 40" ... -1"
Hips - 42" ... :\
Butt - 42.75" ... -.25"
Thighs - -.25"
Arms - 12.5" ... same
Nutrition Plan: 95% (went over on points by like 5)
Exercise: 4 days so 100%
So, as you can see, my hips really really LOVE the size they are... awesome.
My goal for the next few weeks is to workout HARDER, drop my points a little, since I'm not nursing as much, and get my posts up on Mondays! Only time will tell...


Annie said...

I'd be careful. Playboy loves to pck up moms to pose nude.

lauren said...

You are doing great! I know you can find time to workout- just start shouting "GO AWAY!! GOOOO AWAY!! I won't talk to you until I work out! We can't be friends until I WORKOUT! GOOOO AWAY!!!" over and over... eventually people will catch on.... ;)