Thursday, February 17, 2011


I am wounded!! WOUNDED!! I am injured....I don't think I can go on! I think I am too sore to continue with this workout routines....Okay so I wish!!!
Please don't mind my obviously dirty mirror! But they actually look a lot worse in person, and sting like a mother! 

SO I finished workout #2...I was going to do workout #4 and get the stairs out of the way, but since everyone else was doing #2....I figured why not!

As you can see from my above picture the planks hurt me!! After the first minute, I put on a long sleeve sweater! So here are my stats:

Up and Down Planks: did a total of 12 (12 min planks) so only 6 extra. I wanted to do more, but my arms were burning too much :(

Then I did the timed trial. I do want to try maybe tomorrow or Sat or Sunday try to do it again and see if I beat my time. But we will see. My time was:

Yeah I beat DC time!!! YES!!! 

This is me REALLY EXCITED that I beat her! I would glance at my watch and think of hurry so we can beat Twin, then all I wanted to do was finish, so the last set I sprinted through it!! 
No extra reps for me. But maybe we will try it again :D 

If you notice my headband is completely wet! I decided to follow DC and use a headband! I used to work out with them in the past and I like it keeps the sweat out of my eyes! 


lauren said...

So i kinda think your going to win this week... your posts have been pretty consistent... just sayin'. We will see. :) The twins get pretty competitive..... But as of now- my money is on you.

lauren said...

oh btw good job on the work out!

Crystal Hendrix said...

Thank you!! I have to keep telling myself it's worth the's worth the pain!