Sunday, February 6, 2011

You messed with the wrong MoFo!

I'm just done. Seriously, people, you've pissed off the wrong girl. Super Biotch is back in town!!

You are probably saying to yourself right now "whaaa??" or "why so serious?". I had a very very bad day today. This bad day came on the heels of a horrible week, so what ever patience I once had was long gone. I was keeping it together pretty well, and then... someone had to open up their big mouth. And now, I'm just pissed! If you know me well, you know that pissing me off is a seriously bad idea. But, my kids were awake and really worried about my "angry mommy" face so I decided that it was a good time to run... like NOW!
So I pulled out Work-Out 3...

Aubrie was taking the pics, so I put on my silly faces for her.

Let me tell you, anger is the greatest motivator EVER! I ran and ran and ran... I ran the full 3 miles, without stopping. I was so busy being pissed, that I didn't even realize that I'd been doing this until 2.2 miles. Just to give you an idea of how long it took me to run the 3 miles, I ran thru the full Twilight soundtrack... the whole thing! Crazy, eh? You know what the best part is?? I'm still super pissed! I'm not even a little bit over it.

Moral of the story? I run hard when I want to kick the sh** out of people, and if you are the one I want to kick the sh** out of... Run. Run very very fast.

On a more upbeat note, I want to draw your attention to a few key areas of the above pics:

1. Do you people see the amount of side boob I have?! Its almost obscene!

2. That darkish spot near my crotch is JUST crotch sweat... this time

3. I have a lot of chins. Its just a fact.

Until next week... fear the Burpees!!


lauren said...

Good job!! and I hope your not pissed at me.... just sayin. Cause THAT is a frightening thought.

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

GREAT JOB ON THE RUN!! Also, this post should be rated PG-13 for the violent content lol.

Crystal Hendrix said...

Awesome job!! That kinda sucks that NONE of your anger went away! What the heck are ya suppose to do then if you are angry then?? I personally like chocolate!

I love the side boob is the "in" thing to have!!