Thursday, February 17, 2011

FYI... I'm am flippin' weak this week!

My name is Crystal and I am a wuss.

Seriously. I mean, come on... really?!

Until further notice, I am stripping (he he) myself of the title DC. My wussiness is disgrace to such a cool acronim. I just completed work-out #2... it was brutal and NO ONE should be breathing that hard... that is just wrong!! I figured I'd have a rough week, since I haven't been able to push myself on the cardio (Hailey is super sick and hasn't been sleeping anywhere exept my arms since Sunday night), but I didn't think I would have lost this much ground.

Anyway, here is my time:

21.96 minutes

... I did not count the time it took to puke at the end... bonus.

I am hoping, if all goes well to get one more work-out in today, since I did nothing monday or yesterday... Everyone pray/cross your fingers Hailey gets better soon please... my figure needs it!


Anonymous said...

The time was actually 20.96... I need sleep!

Crystal Hendrix said...

LOL I actually will probably be breathing that hard and sweating that much!! Annie did this workout today too...I wonder what her time is!!! OHHHHH

I am sorry Hailey has been so sick, I bet the lack of sleep is causing your body to work even harder!

Jenergy said...

Hey so, when you reached your goal last time how hard/often were you working out?

Annie said...

I seriously LOVE the pic at the bottom. HOTT TWIN coming around! Oh crap! What will happen when were together and skinny? One of us should just plan to bring a bat.

Crystal Hendrix said...

A bat?? That is a little too clunky...and won't fit into a purse...maybe some pepper spray....or a stun gun!!

lauren said...

First off- a bat is hot.
Second- I actually think your time is pretty good.
third- I like counting
fourth- I should be sleeping...

OK thats all I got to say.

Anonymous said...

Trainer - Last time I reached my goal I only was actively working out like once or twice a week... not very awesome, which is why my body started freakin' out at about 140ish.

Twin - I know how much you want me, so I'm trying to look good for you...

wait, maybe I shouldn't be telling people about our secret love affair on the blog...

Also, I second the bat comment... HOTT!!