Wednesday, September 17, 2008

whats up

Hey its Lauren, just checking in for my weekly update. I have had a really good week. Ran every day last week (except Sunday) and walked with the kids three times. I did 3 very small free weight / lunges / abs workouts, but hey I did them! I ate really well, sticking to my advocare products, no fast food, only water, and eating lots of veggies routine!

It wasn't a perfect week however... there was a small "dislocated toe" issue that put my last two "runs" of the week to moderate uphill walks instead. Plus there was a chocolate issue on Sunday that I really really don't want to talk about! :)

One thing that made my week... My Thursday run... it was awesome. It felt great and I ran a hard four miles (hopefully I can go even harder soon). But mostly it was nice to have one workout not feel like "out of shape" torture... I felt like I was actually making progress... finally.

I am doing pretty well this week too... although I missed Tuesdays "official" workout I made up for it by cleaning the house until about 1:30 am... and man was I breaking a sweat! I also decided that my week in review is feeling pretty positive and I am not going to ruin that feeling of success by weighing myself this week. I just want to feel the positive and not ruin it by the fact that my body doesn't like to let go of any "extra" while I am nursing still. I hope my brave and supportive sister Crystal doesn't feel cheated about that fact. I promise to make the scale next week!

Oh yea and we got gym passes this week!! Free child care included!! Can you say YIPEE!!!



Mari Elizabeth Couture said...

Good Job! thats better than me! You & Crystal are kicking my butt! Sorry about the toe...its only SLIGHTLY funny ;).

Unknown said...

I can appreciate that! Good job on the exercise.