Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I hate Wednesdays!!

Okay, so here is my "why me" sob story. So, anyone who really knows me knows that I have zero will-power, especially when it comes to food. It's a freakin' miracle that I've lost any weight at all!

So why do I hate Wednesdays? I'll tell you why... Mom always makes treats for Dad's classes! Now, most of the time, they aren't all that interesting to me and Dad is usually gone with themby 7 am, so I can at least have half of a chance to control myself. Ohhhhh, but not today! Dad was sick, so he didn't go to work at all... AND Mom made Peanut Butter Bars!!!! I ate 6 bars today!!! For those of your who might be thinking "okay, you went a little over board, but at least it wasn't the whole pan", let me explain how HORRIBLE 6 bars really is:

I'm on Weight Watchers and I get 22 daily points and 35 weekly points right now. Now 1 bar would be just 6 points; not great, but a manageable splurge. However 6 bars is 47 POINTS!!!!!!
For those of you keeping track at home, that is ALL my daily points PLUS 25 of my weekly points... I HATE WEDNESDAYS!!!!!

Ummmm, yeah. I think today was a "bad" day... I'm a moron! I hang my head in shame...


lauren said...

oh so sad! I hear ya about moms treats. So the rest of the week is lettuce and water?!? crazy. Well work out extra extra hard (try it lauren style!). Lots of lunges a couple of extra miles, maybe lift weights until you cry... I don't know. Good luck!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...