Sunday, September 28, 2008

October here I come

Alright I have some new goals for October... but first a September recap. I think I would give myself a 78% success rate for accomplishing my September goals. I had a few off days- but over all I ran, lifted and met my eating goals. The one thing I would like to do better in Oct is to stay more positive. I can't control the scale, I can only control my choices about my bodies health. So that being said... OCTOBER GOALS:
1- Have daily workouts. Whether I run, lift, bike, yoga, or just walk... work out everyday.
2- DO NOT GET ON THE SCALE ALL MONTH. Find the little positive ways to measure my progress, like a great run, or reaching a new fitness level, or even a positive spin on how my clothes are fitting. I need to focus on the GREAT things my body is accomplishing rather than focus on what it is not.
3- I get Sundays off. I get to eat, drink or be lazy. If I decide not too.... I am counting it as Bonus Points! But no guilt will follow me if I do indulge a bit.
4- Drink only water. Eat tons of fresh veggies and fruit. Eat at home- don't go out (Mon-Fri). No fast food.
5- Take care of myself. This might mean going to get a pedicure, or maybe finally getting my hair done, but it also means getting enough time to calm down my crazy brain. Sometimes that means baths, sometimes it means an extra long work out at the gym. But whatever it is that day... carve some time for me.
6- Be happy. I know it sounds cheesy, but sometimes you just gotta focus on the happiness in your life. I am hoping as far as fitness and weight loss goals... It will just help the stress (and those stress hormones!) melt away.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

I LIKE IT!! I think the not weighing yourself is kind of cool! Plus it just brings your focus on how you are "Feeling" rather than what you think you are are tuning into your inner-health concious! I am going to update, but not today-today I feel icky.

Unknown said...

I too like the "no weigh-in" policy for October. This is suppose to be a positive experience and we all have to find the best way to achieve that individually. Hooray for sundays!!!