Wednesday, October 8, 2008


SO I actually have been doing really well on my goals, no seriously I have! I actually have been going above and beyond most of the time. For example: I have not only been doing a daily workout, a lot of days I get in 2 or 3! Like Monday I did 90min circuit, then I did 30min core, and that night my friend and I went walking for over an hour! So not every day is quite that crazy but I have been working hard ever since MY official Oct. start date. I also started cutting my daily calories down just about 1800 (I shouldn't do less because I am nursing so much!). That was not part of my original goals but I am just learning how to do it. I have been eating great and working consistent and most importantly staying positive. I am impressed by how strong my body is, and how hard I can get it to work. I know it is gross, but I am starting to really appreciate how amazing it is that my body can make so much breast milk- seriously.

However, not all has been perfect... yesterday I kind of went on a pasta binge putting me over my daily calories- (of course I did do a 60 min spin class and run for 30 min). AND today, oh today... Well I have done NOTHING- no calorie awareness, no working out, not one darn thing. In my own defense, I didn't get to bed until after 12- then was up at 3:30 with lily, and I couldn't fall back asleep because I kept thinking I was going to sleep past Jackson's surgery time. Well, next we actually left the house at 5 am- were in the hospital until noon. Came home, had one very tired baby and one very sick boy- and I am afraid I just kept grabbing garbage to try and fake the energy it takes to take care of small sick kids. It really isn't an excuse- if I am going to get this together I need to be good consistently -even when I am tired. So that is my confession. AND I am feeling sorry it happened.
Also know that I am really excited to go to my circuit class and core class tomorrow and even more excited for my evening walk! (thanks Amanda!) SO on that thought- yea for tomorrow! and my renewed commitment to my goals.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Holy Novel! & Holy workouts!! Spin class is SO HARD. I try to do it once a week, its been a few weeks since my last class, but I find it really REALLY difficult! haha.

manhattan crew said...

You are hardcore!!
I am starting to get serious about the gym thing again too. I know I am not a heavy person, but I am definitely starting to understand the whole "skinny fat" thing. I am just in the worst shape of my life and I am OVER it!!!
Today is the start of my new health kick!