Tuesday, March 8, 2011

30 sucks!

So apparently now that I'm 30, it's ok for my body to fall apart. What!? I didn't sign up for this crap! I just want to clean my house and not hurt!

I'm so frustrated. I didn't even fall or do anything that should have hurt me! I ran. A little. And now my knee is "broken". Ok so not technically broken but still. My kneecap is NOT in the right place and it moves. Kneecaps are not supposed to move to the side. Ow! I know, I've just barely gotten a glimpse of the pain that Lauren has ALL the time. I will never "me too" you again!

So in light of my ouchie, I've taken something of a break. Good news, I have dusted off my puppets. Bad news, no weight loss. I'm trying to watch what I eat more since exercising is mostly out.

If anyone has any exercise ideas, I'm open!


Crystal Hendrix said...

Watch out!! Old Woman walking!!

Jenergy said...

Yes Annie I have a great idea for your workouts! I did this when I had the stomach flu last week (I really did!).
