Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You're Not Ready For My Jelly!

Ok. So, my name is Mom (more like "Mom...Mom...Mom!!" as of late) and I'm a recovering junk-a-holic. As such, I am now a HUGE fan of the gym. My gym of choice is our local YMCA where I have had a family membership since last June, but am just discovering there is more than just the front membership desk and children's swimming lesson observation area.

Anyhow, I don't think you're ready for my "jelly" I won't be posting any "before" photos for you. Suffice it to say, baby #3 has put me on a bizarre weight roller coaster that I've never really been on before, but am anxious to get off of before it derails.

One of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back "in shape" (the definition of which continues to evolve as I've witnessed that health and weight don't always coincide). I've been working out several times a week and am definitely more conscious about what I eat, but still have a long way to go to have a good body image. I am hoping by the time I see you all this summer for reunion, I will be much further down the path to my "in shape" goal.

I will try to post weekly on how I am doing and give you a run down on work outs and weight loss, but I make no guarantees. I definitely won't be posting any push up videos, lol. (Mari...I can't do 'em either!)

Since I started my fitness kick in mid-January I've lost about 7-8 lbs and am already feeling more energenic. Hopefully, I can kick it up a notch now that winter will be behind us soon and I can do more exercising outside.

This girl is aiming to be jelly free!


lauren said...

YAY!! Jen thanks for posting!! I am so happy to be following your workouts! I can truly say you inspire me!!!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

YAY!!! More participation!! I am LOVING THIS! Welcome to the blog! I am so excited for your progress! 7-8lbs in a month is AWESOME! You are a rockstar! Can't wait to hear your tips & progress! Love you!
PS---SEEEEEEE I am not the only one who needs a little push-up time :) Thanks for the confession, its nice not to be alone haha