Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Okay, so it's a little late.... I've been wholly involved in reading Twilight for the last week and this is the first time I've come up for air, really. Seriously, a book a day...
it's been FANTASTIC!!!!

But, alas, reality will be beginning again in two days and since I don't have the option to become a vampire, I suppose I should get back to the whole weight loss regime!

The good news?

Apparently reading ferociously all day/night long curbed my appetite ten-fold! I didn't really keep track of POINTS over the last few weeks, but ate when I was hungry... which was never! So, as a result, I lost 5 lbs this week! Hooray!!!

The bad news?

Since all of my weight loss so far has been from mostly changing my dietary lifestyle, my muscle tone is pretty bad. Seriously! I look like I'm melting!! AND NOT IN A GOOD WAY! I really need to fix this!

My plan for January?

Well since I'm sooooo good at following thru with my exercise plans... I've decided to just try to do something, anything at least 3 times a week! Let's just start small and be realistic here, ok?!

How did the Holidays treat ya'll??????

Current Weight: 145.4 lbs.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

yay! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I shall be posting this week as well! You & Twilight KILLS ME! I read it fast, but WOWZA! You flew! And 5lbs?! thats insanity! Great work. I think starting small is great, but STICK TO IT! No more excuses! ;) Its 2009, lets make it happen!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

so is gooooooood girl?

Jeni said...

I think goooooooooood girl meant to say, YOU are very fine! Lost 5 lbs! I GAINED 5 lbs...

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love you all!!

lauren said...

LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! and YEAH you need to workout! ( its killing me being so far away from you- when it is CLEAR that you need my help in the gym.....and I need yours in the kitch....)

and on a side note- I PROMISE to update on the blogs by this weekend!!! LOVE YOU MARI!! LOL

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Yay Jeni! I love the participation! Don't we all just love Jeni? And don't we just love our Goooooooooood Girl spam comment from a poker site! WTF!?

Lauren, Ill believe it when I see it. You lead me on too much for me to have faith in your blogging these days...tear.