Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Bet...

So, I've kind of been a slacker. Not only have I not posted anything about my baby weightloss journey, I haven't even really started it yet! I know, I know!! I actually weigh about 10 lbs more than I did right after Hailey was born... why you ask? Oh, I'll tell you why... BREASTFEEDING!

Now, let me be very clear: I am a HUGE advocate of breastfeeding your child. In fact, many people have accused me of being a little "granola" (aka - hippie) about this subject. I think the longer you breastfeed the better; a year is pretty minimum in my book, 18 months is better, and, if your husband doesn't start to look at you weird, 2 years is the bomb! Sadly, my husband looks at me weird around 6 months, so I usually only get to go to 15 months or so...


Breastfeeding is often toted as the new mother's weightloss magical pill. I'm pretty sure they say that just to convince the ones who are on the fence to try it. Here's what they don't tell you... HOLY HUNGER BATMAN!! I'm not kidding; I can eat a really great breakfast, protein, fiber,all super filling stuff and not two hours later my entire office building is cowering in fear of my massive appetite! It got so bad one day that my supervisor's boss brought me a turkey sandwhich and salad from Kneaders... she called it a peace offering so I wouldn't eat the "small baby elephants" I had been threatening to eat all morning. (On a side note, maybe I should consider not yelling so much at work...). So, while you burn more calories, you also are driven to consume more as well.

So, that being said (not sure where that all came from honestly), my loverly girlies and I decided its time to get back on the wagon. We were brainstorming ideas on how to stay motivated, when what to our wondering eyes should appear?? No! Not tiny reindeer... The most amazing, synergistic plan!! It is soooo amazing it only needed one name "The Bet..." (And yes, the ellipses are a critical part of the name).

So, fasten your seatbelts kids... "The Bet..." begins on January 3!

1 comment:

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

I'd like more details in what this bet entails ?.... Hilarious post btw, I've missed the jelly blog! Happy to see it's back!