Monday, December 1, 2008



I'm a slacker! I did really good until Friday and then BOOM... stress and binge eating hit! I'm taking responsibility though. I'm never going to reach my goal/maintain it if I can't get a grip on the emotional eating. So, in an effort to fight this impulse of mine, I am re-committing myself during the most stressful two and a half weeks left in the year... FINALS!!!!!

My goals from Dec. 1 - Dec. 18:

Diet -
Stay on POINTS!
Eat at least one salad per day (as my meal)
Cut back on sugar/caffeine (that's for you mare-diz)

Exercise -
Do some! JK :)
Cardio 20 min 3 - 5 times/week
Strength 30 min 2 - 4 times/week

I'll try to post twice a week... mostly so I have the pressure to do it all!!

Current Weight: 153.0 lbs.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

I think during Finals you get a free pass on the caffeine!! lol. I BELIEVE IN YOU!! You can do it! Ill be checking regularly!! You are looking so good sis, you are kicking butt!!

Unknown said...

I got in 2 strength work-outs, but alas no cardio... unless you count walking around temple square and pacing in the back of sacrament meeting???