Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm so sick!!!

I feel so sick!!! Trav and I had a fight this morning, you know the one that you yell at each other over something stupid and then storms out going to work. I know your asking why are you telling us this Crystal...honestly we don't care. But after he left I got so stressed and upset that I ATE and ATE and ATE! Now I feel so freakin' sick!! The thing is I ate what I normally would have in the mornings!! But now my stomach has shrunk enough that what I normally would have ate make me sick!! So the silver lineling, I am eating WAY less that I used to! Which is always a good thing. I get sorta excited about those little moments.

Now if your curious, Travis and I did make up. Since we are soooooo poor, he gets stressed out a lot with it, and then I was super sensitive this morning and so yeah. We fought for nothing. The joys of a marriage!! But we are good and lovey again. And will still have our romantic evening together.

Now I just need to work on the stress eating thing! I need to find other things to do besides eat....exercising came to mind but that was the last thing I wanted to do. Hmm....any other ideas???


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the spat, but I'm glad its all good again! :)

This is one of my big problems too. The one thing that works for me (most of the time) is staying busy. Laundry, vaccuuming, volunteering at the school, anything that gets me out of my own head.

But some days that is not enough. So here is a trick Lauren and I discovered together...
Away from the kitchen and easy to grab snacks. If driving leads to fast food, leave your wallet at home or just walk away from the house. Either way, just get away from the food!

Crystal Hendrix said...

Where do you go???? LOL That is what I want to know...I don't like to just I am just curious as to what you do or think about when you drive or what not. But it's something worth a try.

lauren said...

I run when I am mad- It always ends up being an amazingly hard run funny enough- but when I am snacky I agree with DC get outta the house. Walk the mall, go for a drive, go to the park, walk up the canyon, or take the kids to a friends. WHAT EVER. Just leave. Bring water and maybe a piece of fruit at most for yourself- something easy and fast for your kids so you don't linger in the house- and you don't need to "stop" anywhere to feed anyone. By the time you get home you have a better chance of being refocused than just hanging out in temptation kitchen all day!