Tuesday, May 12, 2009


After my half marathon I have been thinking a lot about what my next "challenge" will be. I am finding that I am a goal oriented type of gal. I need something to push myself towards, or I tend to border the lines of bad habits. So I joined a Yoga studio down the street! I have always enjoyed Yoga, but cannot say that I am good at it :) I hope to be! I am making it a goal to go at least 3 times a week and do 1-2 regular work out days. I hope to build core strength, as well as some upper body (sadly yes, Yoga is difficult on my upper body), and stretch/lengthen.
Anyone who knows me, knows I am a stress case. I don't mean to be, I certainly don't try to be, but a lot of times-I just am. Yoga helps that so much. I know it sounds crazy, but that hour & fifteen minutes relaxes me & for that time--all of the other worries are out the window. I didn't instantly love Yoga, it actually took me about 3 times to like it- but I did love how it relaxed me.
I highly recommend it to anyone! Anyway-that's my Goal for May-Yoga 3 days a week. So far, so good!


manhattan crew said...

I just cant handle the yoga instructors that try to teach you about life's hardships through their stretching exercises. you know?
"I know this is difficult, but sometimes in life difficulties arise and we must find our center in order to overcome these obstacles...." SHUT UP! I CANT BREATHE! lol
Ok, maybe Im missing the point of the yoga, but don't they have any normal instructors? Freakin weirdos.


Chris and Mari Spiker said...
