Saturday, April 11, 2009

We're Back!

yes, i did take this photo this past week at the beach we
were staying do you realize why i am sad to be home???

Let me just tell you how utterly depressing it is to wake up in my own bed longer am I hearing the ocean from my window, or the roosters (Kauai has them everywhere!)....I am back in LA, back to the grind (about to make waaaaaaaaaay too many headbands in a 3day span). I had a FABULOUS trip, no doubt. But it went by in a blink of an eye--like I knew it would. I happy to report for the Jelly Tribune that did run, oh did I run. The time change made getting up & working out a breeze! I worked out 6 of my 7 days! I even did my long 7mile run! I didn't do much besides running (5 of the 6 workouts were cardio). But I am proud that I did it, because I sort of thought Id fail miserably & be lazy (sort of like my food intake while there).
NOW we are back, Chris has the GRUELING 3 1/2 months ahead, which means I have them as well. (bar review anyone??) But we are going to do our best to stay in shape, eating right, and keeping up our newly developing healthy habits!
This week I run my first 8miles!!! It sounds so far, but for the first time ever, I actually think I can do it! It's never before been a possibility for me to even consider, and I am totally going to do it!
The Jelly is back baby!


lauren said...

YAY! Welcome home! Great job working out!! :)

manhattan crew said...

I am totally jealous of your hawaii vacation! I need to get back there soon. I am very proud of you and your working out! 8 miles is waaaaay to much running for me!
I have been an animal at the gym lately, although today (Easter) I did devour a LOT of chocolate!

Lets keep up the good workouts guys!!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

ya, easter was ROUGH for me...okay, Hawaii was far as eating right. This week Chris & I will be back at it!