Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tick Tock

Here is my update! Training has gone pretty well, its only been a week so how hard can it be? lol! Lets just say lifting is a whole new world for me right now...I am SO WEAK. Its really pathetic actually BUT at least I am trying :) For Valentines, Chris spoiled me & got me a Garmin 405 running watch. I LOVE IT. It can do so many things, I haven't even begun to explore the possibilities! I ran with it for the first time today & its awesome! The satellite tells me how fast, far & what my pace is. I am sure more, I just haven't figured it all out yet.
I ran 4 times last week (including our little jaunt down the 10Freeway in the middle of the ARIZONA desert!) I lifted once. This week I lifted & ran twice..I hope to run 3 more times with one day of cycle & to lift one more time. That is the PLAN, lets hope life doesn't get in the way. My runs haven't been more than 3miles each, but I am hoping to build on that next week.

Also, I am trying to cut back on juice. I know its a MIRACLE! I usually consume about 30oz a day...I know..Im an addict. I am gonna take it slow, but Im gonna drink 16oz or less for the next two weeks & then down to 8oz & so on...THIS is probably the hardest thing I have attempted yet! I am having withdrawls already just thinking about it...can you say SUGAR addict?


lauren said...

I am so proud!! and good luck on the juice- you are going to need it! eeek!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

seriously. juice is my nemesis.