Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Bring Out Your Dead...

I'm not dead YET!!!

Sorry, I've been a HUGE slacker. What can I say... my kids are crazy, school is kicking my trash, and this time of year is typically not my highest time of the year anyway. But, alas, I will try to atone for my loser-like tendency to disappear until the weather gets warmer and give you all an update!

I haven't tried as hard in the last 2 months as I should have (see above reasons), but I'm really trying not to completely jump off the ban-wagon either. So, I haven't lost as much as I would have liked to by now, but I haven't gained again either, so I guess it all evens out in the end.

I am happy to report that I have now officially left the double digit sizes behind!! Wahoo!!!! I'm currently "sporting" a size 8... and am pretty happy about that. I still have some goals for toning up my body, my abs and butt especially. I'll be trying to get to that... eventually.... yeah

Current Weight: 142.0 lbs


PJ and Lorena said...

Crystal, that's awesome!! You look GREAT! I would've gotten distracted with such a crazy schedule and lost focus. You're my hero!

So, I haven't read this blog for a long time but now that I finished reading all the posts, it made feel like such a slacker. All the workout posts are inspiring me to have a contest with PJ to see who can get toned the fastest in the next couple of months. I can't wait to hit the gym now!


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Lorena, DEFINITELY join our blog! Its open to anyone--contact Lauren for all the blog info so you can post etc. How exciting you can start working out with us!

Crystal--a size 8?!? Are you serious! Congrats!! That's awesome. You have come a looooong way.

But lets be honest,you ARE A SLACKER..and don't blame in on your kids...blame it on TWILIGHT! lol. No more excuses! Get your booty in gear! Put down the book & move! Or at least read while you are on the treadmil! (edward will make you sweat for REAL this time lol)

I am so glad you posted! Yay you are back!! I love when we all post regularly!

Anonymous said...

I would be offended by those comments...but they are totally true! Twilight is the best distraction to my horrific existence!!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

You aren't horrific! You are amazing & thats why I tease you---I MISS YOU!!! Im sorry if I made you feel bad.