Monday, February 9, 2009

Here I go again!

Today is officially the 1st day of Half Marathon Training!! So yay! I am excited! I am looking forward to running with Mari. Training and Running a marathon (4.5yrs ago!) was one of the most challenging and difficult things I have ever done. It was a very rewarding experience and I look forward to doing it again. I have not run more than 6 miles (at once) since that marathon, and am a little nervous about the challenge.

As far as the rest of my training is going- I still feel pretty tough! :) I am staying really consistent, and working out SO hard! I am lifting really heavy mon/wed/fri; running mon/tues/wed/fri/sat. I have been trying to focus on improving my speed(for you mari!) and increasing my endurance. It has been pretty difficult, but I am loving the way I feel!

My weight is currently 170.... exactly 3lbs less than I was Aug 1st. So lame. I have lost 3 lbs in 6 months. I am still breast feeding Lily, and I am in better shape than I have been in for a long time. :) But the weight just stays. It just goes to show- every body is different and it is better to focus on physical fitness and health rather than some number on the scale.

I have also noticed I get pretty embarrassed and uncomfortable when anyone notices my body changing. I work really hard to focus on challenging my body physically and NOT focus on the shape or size (I just CAN'T worry about it, my past eating disorder demons come out WAY to easily these days)-so when someone else notices what I work so hard not to worry about, its really hard for me to acknowledge it gracefully. I feel like this journey is a private experience for me, and have a hard time discussing it with others.(although I do like this blog.... I don't make sense, LOL). It is just something I would rather not talk about. I will however, happily discuss my workouts and my challenges that way. That is something I think is fun to share! :)

I also have become a big fan of Calcium! I know sounds weird right?!? but I am convinced it helps my muscles! I take it at night before bed and have noticed that my legs seem to relax better, and that, I believe, helps me sleep more soundly, which helps my body recover more quickly...... you get the picture. I also was reading that getting enough Calcium in your diet helps your body NOT store belly fat.... so BONUS! :) I had to share, because I am LOVING it right now.

Anyway that is all from me- sorry about the rambling post! :) Keep Running!!!!!!!! :) BYE!


Chris and Mari Spiker said...

LOVELY! Lets kick our own Arses!! I am excited for you, and I think its great to focus on how you feel...and if its a private journey..rock on, no one has to know but YOU. But I may ask from time to Im proud of you! Keep lifting you He-Woman!

Patrick Wright said...

Lauren has been working her butt of for months now... You rock LaLa

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

And she told me what she has been lifting- HE WOMAN!!! Hello! 45 press & 30 fly...WHAT THE?! As if her punches didn't already hurt..

lauren said...

HE-WOMAN is not a very flattering name! LOL. AND I have been working sooo hard. Its fun to feel tough though!! :) Thanks for noticing the effort babe! :)