Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I know it's taboo

But I am going to say it- having kids is HARD on your body. You may want to believe that everything will "bounce" back into place after if you just work hard and eat right. I am here to tell you, that everything may bounce back, then again maybe not. Between the hormones, weight fluctuations, and stretching of pregnancy... to the hormones and body craziness of nursing; its almost 2 straight years of "not normal"! Multiply that a few times... and your body can get a bit confused! That is where I am right now! I have decided my body is confused! Could I eat better? sure we all could- but I do pretty well. Could I work out harder? probably- but I work my bum off. Is my body changing? Not noticeably. BUT.... its OK. I can feel how much stronger I am (no really, I am getting really strong!) and I can see how much happier exercises and good nutrition make me. So I will let go of my "dreams" to look like Mari- and just love the fact that I am healthy (even if its not a small healthy) AND enjoy the very best part of all of this body "sacrificing"... my beautiful kids! and boy are they worth it!!!! :)

Aren't they cute??


Chris and Mari Spiker said...
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Jeni said...

This is funny because I wrote a post just like this one a while ago. And I've only had one baby...
It really is an enormous sacrifice we make to be able to have our children. We both know it's worth it, but it's SO HARD TO ACCEPT!!
Being healthy is worth it. Having low self esteem isn't. I just have to remember, I'm working with what I've got NOW. Not what I had.
You said it. IT'S OK!!!

Jen said...

AMEN Lauren. I'm right there with you. I think there is something about baby #3 too. I lost the weight after Kaylee before my 6 week post-partum appointment. I'm going on 16 months now, and am not even close to where I want to be. :) Like you, I'm eating WAY better than I ever ate before, during or after having kids...and exercising more consistently than I have in my entire life and I guess I just have to chalk this up to "mother nature". A personal trainer may help (good suggestion Mari!!), but you and I both know the kind of hours and sacrifice involved with personal trainers. I don't know about you, but I can't devote 2-3 hours a day at the gym for the rest of my life. It's not realistic. It's very different once you share your time with a family of children. Your life is not your own any more (which we are all grateful about...motherhood is a wonderful thing). We have to find our joy and accomplishment in the little successes. For me, I just imagine how much more out of shape I COULD be, if I didn't exercise or try to eat better. :)

Chris and Mari Spiker said...
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Chris and Mari Spiker said...
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lauren said...

I really DON'T feel too bad about my body not changing, its annoying yes but like I said it's OK. I just changed (or keep changing ;) my perspective. And- I HAVE worked with a trainer several times, been to the doctor about it, and eaten better than I let on. My body is just slow to adjust! AND THAT'S OK! Because I don't work out to LOOK like a "super model"! I work out to stay mentally and physically healthy! AND THAT IS HAPPENING! So there is no worries about giving up- I'm good!

Plus- I like to challenge my self, and PROVE to myself that I am tough. It's fun! You want to help? Be as impressed with me, as I am, when I reach a new level!! :)

AND YES YES YES- Motherhood is totally worth this tiny sacrafice and the many others that we make! LOVE IT!

Patrick Wright said...

Saying Lauren needs personal training makes the assumption that the issue is that she is not working out efficiently. She's definitely working out. AT LEAST once a day and often times twice. Actually, yesterday she worked out three times.

The interesting thing is that Lauren has been working a program that was designed by 4 different personal trainers and my cousin is a personal trainer at our gym that works with Lauren often.

There are so many other aspects to it. First--she's still nursing. this is huge as it completely changes the hormones. Remember the marathon training? She had the same issue.

I just wanted to say that Lauren is working her butt off, she looks great and she is awesome!!

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

i never meant to offend. i just was giving a suggestion. i know she works hard.

lauren said...

Mari! You are too sweet! I never get more support from any one than I do from you! No offense taken- I never was offended! LOVE YOU!!

AND pS- don't delete your comments!! Your input is valuable!

Jen said...

Yeah, I didn't even get to read your deleted comments Mari. You have given so many good tips and suggestions and we all appreciate your enthusiasm for health and fitness. I personally, would love to spend the $$ and time with a personal trainer because a.) I never have met with one and b.) think a personal trainer would help fine-tune my workouts to the things I personally need and would benefit me the most...I was just saying that I know PTs are hardcore, and although I wouldn't mind that, the commitment involved isn't realistic for me in my life as a mom right now. Once Landon will actually stay in the child care facility at the gym where I work, then we'll see...(they come get me after 20 minutes every I am limited in what I can do when I have him).

Jen said...

AMEN Lauren. I'm right there with you. I think there is something about baby #3 too. I lost the weight after Kaylee before my 6 week post-partum appointment. I'm going on 16 months now, and am not even close to where I want to be. :) Like you, I'm eating WAY better than I ever ate before, during or after having kids...and exercising more consistently than I have in my entire life and I guess I just have to chalk this up to "mother nature". A personal trainer may help (good suggestion Mari!!), but you and I both know the kind of hours and sacrifice involved with personal trainers. I don't know about you, but I can't devote 2-3 hours a day at the gym for the rest of my life. It's not realistic. It's very different once you share your time with a family of children. Your life is not your own any more (which we are all grateful about...motherhood is a wonderful thing). We have to find our joy and accomplishment in the little successes. For me, I just imagine how much more out of shape I COULD be, if I didn't exercise or try to eat better. :)