Monday, May 24, 2010

Long Lost Sister Spotted!!

Remember Me?

Yeah, you know, the sister who was trying to lose like 60+ pounds... I was doing pretty well, and then, well, I disappeared. Amazingly enough, I was recently spotted and what a shocking sighting that was...

Woah Nelly!! What happened to me?!

Is that really amazingly trained fat or do I have a large tumor-like growth in my abdomen that mysteriously made me gain weight in my face too?

This is just too shocking to go uninvestigated! A team of super duper sneaky spies have uncovered the truth...

Could it be...

Is it possible...

Surely not...

Didn't we just see her at Christmas?...

Ahhhh... isnt she beautiful?! I guess the growth part of our theory was correct... just not the tumor-like part! Its been a week since Hailey Jayne Haacke, or Hales for short, made her abrupt appearance and I am doing well. I plan to document my journey to pre-baby shape for ya'll... cause I'm just awesome like that! I will post my "Week 1" pictures soon, as well as my measurements... once again cause I am awesome and I have no shame! See ya all real soon...

1 comment:

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

LOL you're so funny! This is going to be an awesome journey! I am really excited that you are going to blog as you go, cuz I think it's so motivating & inspiring. Plus, it's just awesome to see the hard work pay off.

Good luck sis!! LOVE YOU! Can't wait to meet Hales!