Monday, January 31, 2011

Workin' it

Who wants a workout challenge? (me! me! I do! I do!) Worth MAJOR points? (me! me!! oh wait, I don't actually get points..... but you do!) Like put you back on top Crystal Light? (C'mon, you know thats an awesome opportunity!!) Tempting? (Cause who REALLY wants to do that embarrassing stunt? and for that matter WHO wants to pay for their own movie? Not me!) Well now that you see what a golden opportunity this is, I hope I have your full attention. I know that this will not be easy for most of you. But its worth big points so lets get going! Here's what this weeks SURPRISE (ya its only a surprise because its a week early! LOL)workout challenge is: RUNNING!! (or FAST bouncy walking!)

Workout 1

Run for 8 min
walk for 3 min
Run for 10 min
walk for 3 min
Run for 6 min
walk for 3 min
Run for 7 min
walk for 3 min
Run for 5 min
walk for 2 min

10 min of core work (think ABS people), 3 sets of 10 push ups. Try to do "real" push ups every set- even if its only 1 per set the key is to push yourself.
**(you may add a few extra min of walking in the walk portions to recover if needed. But don't cut the run portion short)


Workout 2

Run 10 min
walk 3 min
Run 10 min
walk 2 min
Run 5 min
walk 2 min
Run 8 min
walk 2 min
Run 8 min
walk 3 min

10 min core work, 3 sets of 10 push ups, 3 sets of 20 EACH LEG walking lunges, yep thats a total of 60 per leg- Crazy I know. Think tight booty! (Dark Crystal I expect one of these sets to be "tippie toe lunges".... you know what I am sayin!! SQEEEEEEEZE that butt! The rest of you- I will save that lesson for another challenge.... hehehehe;)
**(you may add a few extra min of walking in the walk portions to recover if needed. But don't cut the run portion short)


Workout 3

Run 3 miles. Time doesn't matter, this is a distance only workout. Walk as much as you need, but please consider this a RUN not a walk with a few running spurts. The whole point is to build endurance!


Now for the bonus points!! You can get bonus points every workout! Each one of these options is worth 1 bonus point each.

*Running outside, or on an indoor track! Its harder.
***Running at a pace of 4.2 miles per hour (or higher) on the treadmill. (there is NO pace requirement to bonus if you run on a track or outside. Its harder so you don't need the extra challenge) This would guarantee you are pushing yourself.
*Posting after each workout. Let us know how it went! if you hate me! Calories burned! Or Whatever- lets keep it competitive by bragging that we've finished yet another part of the challenge.
*If you do a 400 meter (1/4 of a mile) SPRINT, OR 2 200 meter(1/8th of a mile, twice) SPRINT at the end of each workout. Sprint means ALL OUT people.... as in run for your life!
** If you don't add extra walking to the walking portions of the workout. This ofcourse does not apply to walking to cool down at the end. :)

Ok thats not it on ways to get points.

*1 bonus point if you include a pic of yourself doing the workout, or RIGHT AFTER the workout in your blog post. Lets show off our red sweaty faces! LOL!
*1 bonus point if you finish this challenge before Saturday.
*1 bonus point FOR EACH ADDITIONAL workout you do this week. IF you complete the challenge, and also workout the other 3-4 days of the week, you get bonus points for all the extra work! That means, since I am posting this Tuesday- If you did a workout Mon, you could already have a bonus point!


So that means you get 12 points for the workouts, with up to 4 bonus points PER workout. Thats a possibility of 24 freaking points! Plus 1 more for finishing before Saturday, and up to 4 more for additional workouts, And 1 more for the picture. I think 30 points is enough to swing this race either way. I also know that you guys are busy and beat sometimes. For this challenge I offer spark, catalyst, and all sorts of other goodies if you specifically request them before EACH workout. I am not loading you up forever- I am trying to help you plan and get the energy specific to finishing the challenge. I am also available if anyone wants me to run with them. Let me know!

Also I am offering my treadmill, if you want to come run here- so that you have someone to bitch to the whole time ;). And I am letting you know that the PG rec center is only $0.50 cents to run on their indoor track.

OK! With all that said, let me remind you to make sure you STRETCH before and after. Its a big deal when running. Let me also draw attention to the fact that I made NO INCLINE specifications on this challenge for treadmill running. I want you to run. To make it easier on your body while you adjust to this new form of exercise keep it at the incline that is easiest for you. Also please stay hydrated.

text or call me with any questions!

and good luck!!



Annie said...

I might put you on speaker phone the whole workout just to complain. You good with that?

lauren said...

Yep! Although, don't be offended if I laugh a bit.... hehehehe.

Anonymous said...

I freakin' hate you! Walking lunges AFTER the running?!!! Curse you Aqua Scum!...

psst... did that sound like the old days or what?

Crystal Hendrix said...

What is that aqua scum from??? That's going to drive me nuts!!

This is going to be one HECK of a challenge!!! But since I am in LAST place I HAVE to do it!!! I tried running for an extended period of time today and I only got 3 1/2 minutes!!!

I am counting on everyone else not doing this and just me!!! :D

Jenergy said...

Love it! I need motivation AND a prize to get me going! Great idea Lauren!

lauren said...

I never said you had to do the lunges at the same time as the lunges.... You could do those at lunch and your run at night... Work the system! Just do the workout! :)

Aqua scum is from NEMO.

And I will be SO sad if you guys dont even try the workout challenge! c'mon! Feel the burn! We like it, right?

Jenn- You gave me the idea with your questions at the last girls night! I totally want to hear how you do!!!!!

lauren said...

that was lunges at the same time as the running.... yeah I am not so smart... LOL!