Monday, September 22, 2008

this sucks

how come everyone tells me that breast feeding burns sooo many calories.... It may be true for some people, but I have decided as far as I am concerned it is just a lie. I feed a very fat Lily exclusively and on top of that pump 3 extra times daily, on both sides! (yes I know I am a jersey cow). But that doesn't ever seem to help me on the scale. I run 3 or more times a week, each time at least 3 miles, but that doesn't seem to help me either. On top of my runs, I have been lunging and lifting and walking and and and....moving constantly. I have been watching my portions, drinking only water, taking advocare products and still nothing. I know I know... I just had a baby... like 3 months ago! How come I weigh the same as the day I came home from the hospital! It is soo not cool and I am beginning to feel like it doesn't matter what I do. I hate my body.


Anonymous said...

Poo... I'm sorry! I think it is strange that your body does that too. Maybe it would be better, at least until your done nursing, if you measured your success in a different way. Maybe inches lost or just improvements in work-outs or even just how you feel about your body in general? It might help make this a more positive experience and not super frustrating.

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

boooooooooooo! I am SORRY! It will happen, don't give up! You can't give up, your body is probably just in "recovery mode" still from having Lily. KEEP IT UP!!

Cim Carver said...

Hang in there Lauren! I am also trying to lose weight, I haven't tried breast feeding yet, but I can understand your frustration! Relax as stress can make losing weight more difficult. Keep smiling and doing your best, your health is improving regardless and the weight will eventually take care of itself!

Katie said...

Actually I always found that my body would hold onto the weight while I was breastfeeding too. I think the body uses it as stores to produce the milk. Sorry. Hang in there. When you're done breastfeeding, I bet the weight will just fall off because you will be in such good shape.